- July 16, 2016
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As most all of you are aware, Governor Brown signed various gun control bills last week to include SB 808 & 1135. These 2 bills are identical and aim to reclassify or redefine “assault weapons” in California. What does this mean to all of us that currently own AR15’s?
As it stands right now, the bill is set to become law January 1st of 2017. As the bill is currently written, you will have 2 different choices to remain legal and you will have to decide before January 1st of 2018. Yes, you will have until 2018 to make a decision which means you can keep your rifle as is until 2018. What are the 2 choices?
The 2 choices illustrated in the bills are 1. Remove your bullet button and install a fixed magazine locking device. & 2. Register your rifle in its lawful configuration when purchased as an “assault weapon”. These are your choices but please understand that every country in history that first required registration eventually led to confiscation i.e. Canada, England & Australia. I heard that if I register my firearm, I can remove the bullet button?
This is a possibility but still undetermined until the DOJ writes the regulations for the penal code. Additionally, we speak to numerous folks at gun shows that are under the impression that they already registered their rifle with CA. This is false. When you conduct a background check, you are submitting your information to the FBI. It is not nor has it ever been stored with the state of California. Ask yourself one thing, do you really want your address and personal information filed with the politicians that run California? So registration is bad, what is the magazine locking device and does Supertool make one?
Yes. We have a design but have decided to not launch the product until the bill is certain to become law. As for the magazine locking device, this device means that you cannot release the magazine without “disassembly of the firearm action”. Also understand that all the products recently released that are currently for sale, DO NOT satisfy the requirement of “disassembly of the firearm action”. Yes we have seen the products that require the removal of the upper from the lower but doing this, does not disassemble the firearm action. This will be further debated in the upcoming months. Wait a minute, you just mentioned that you are delaying the launch of the Supertool product until the bill is certain to become law but Governor Brown already signed the bill?
Yes unfortunately my fellow California residents keep electing fools that don’t believe in our rights. Fortunately the NRA, Michel & Associates, CRPA along with various other gun rights organizations have committed to sue the state of California before these bills become law. With a pending lawsuit to decide the constitutionality of these new laws, these bills won’t become law until this lawsuit is settled. This means that your 1 year compliance date will be pushed back past 2018 or even possibly eliminated. What are the chances of this bill being thrown out?
This is pure speculation and my personal opinion but fact is that we have had various bills in the past that were rushed through the legislation process illegally, signed by the Governor and later challenged in court. All these bills were eventually ripped up by the courts before they ever became law. These new bills were rushed through the legislation process without provided the required public hearings and process. Normally bills are sent to the Governor’s desk in late October as the required legal process requires a certain length of time. Understanding this, I believe that these bills will be held up in court for a while, while at the same time the DB in Sacramento will rewrite new bills next year. Our fight is never over while democrats run California. This is why this election year is so very important! Not just for our new President but also to elect new CA state representatives. DO RESEARCH, look up everyone on the ballet and vote for the candidates that have a strong 2nd Amendment policy and have the best chance (more popular than others) of winning. Voting for an underdog because you like his/her policies, gets us nowhere. At this point in time, voting with your conscience will eventually get your firearms confiscated. We need immediate and effective action now.
Now back to the facts, In summary as it stands right now, these new bills don’t take effect until January 1, 2017. After the court is filed, this date will be delayed which means you have to keep the bullet button until this court case is settled. If the case is never filed, you will have until January 1, 2018 to install an even worse device than the bullet button or register your rifle as is (send all your personal information, address etc.) over to the democrats in office that also want to confiscate all your firearms in the near future. If you chose to register, you will be required to register your rifle with the date of purchase and it needs to be registered and remain in its legal state at the time of purchase.
This fight is not over. This upcoming election is mission critical.
Join us now by sharing this message to better inform your friends on facebook. This coming November, help us “Stand and Fight” by electing politicians in CA that understand our rights and the US Constitution.
For complete legal analysis click HERE.